The next level of business transformation

Financial Services

Ingram Micro Financial Services

At Ingram Micro, we recognize the impact of the continuous changes in the IT landscape on your business growth, profitability and sustainability.

We see the important role financing plays in protecting your business interests. Ingram Micro Financial solutions is the only IT Finance organization whose interests are aligned with yours. Ingram Micro Financial Solutions is the core enabler of our go-to-market offering, connecting our partners experts from both the IT solutions and technology finance worlds together. We create custom, highly effective deal structures to enable our partners to deploy innovation while protecting both financial objectives and reputations.

We invested in the intellectual property and people required to support today’s IT finance models with one objective, to help our partners grow. No hidden agendas, onerous terms, or surprises. We only grow when you do.

We leveraged our global strength to deliver you access to the widest array of capital available. We say yes more often, with better rates, and better structures. A good rate with bad terms will ruin long term relationships. Nobody can afford that.

Solution Financing

We offer bundled financial structures for more complex hardware and software/services requirements where a varied combination of hardware, software, services, and maintenance is involved. There is no restriction on the percentage of each element involved in the financed project.

Meet your financial objective: This is where you seek a cash flow advantage, minimization of a technology obsolescence risk, and the ability to make changes to the solution throughout the term of the financing.

Managed Services

Ingram Micro’s Services offerings include support for your end-user workspace, data center services from cloud management to monitoring as a Service, IaaS, DRaaS, and many other options, and cybersecurity services.

Meet your financial objective: With Managed Services, you don’t need to own the solution assets. Furthermore, legacy assets can be integrated into the solution. You’ll have the flexibility to modify the financing structure throughout the term. Potential for either OPEX or CAPEX treatment.


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